Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hello My Darlings

So i feel like this is slowly becoming a blog on glee and i dont want that but I must write this post before I go insane. So there was last weeks glee and that made my day because of the whole Destiny Child's song and the guys sang it so it was even more fantastical.

Now for this weeks glee, it was assumed that Glee would have to do Justin Beiber eventually, oui? Oui. So i just didn't expect them to do it so well, I mean the songs actually sound good, which means the problem isn't the songs (though they are kinda nasty Pop songs) the problem lies with Justin Beiber. And now i'm done making fun of Justin Beiber and going on to Cee Lo Green's bird suit at the Grammy's...WTF?! and now to Gwenyth Paltrows amazing shoes. I love how she sang the song so great on Glee that they had her sing it with Cee Lo at the grammys, I'm still wondering how she got on that piano in those heels? Oh and finally I love how in French after the freshman left for their assembly we started talking about goldiggers and our favorite shows, apparently That 70s show is numero uno on the list and I also love that Madame Loomis came to join this conversation and in english I might add. And I will finally end this with my last but not least love for the week and probably the rest of my life SHAUN WHITE <3

Sincerely yours,
Osee ( its a freakin' magenta suit!)

Original Lyrics:
Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger 
But she ain't messin' wit no broke, broke

New and Improved (or not) Lyrics:

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger
but she's orange with stripes like tigger
(btw i love Tigger and Winnie the Pooh in genera, he's a classic and he's on my keys, pic to come in the distant future)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I wish i were an antique

Kurt's Turn

I've been looking for this dong for the longest time I just did'nt know what it was called, I know rigth shame in me fir not seeing chicago yet. I just watched Glee and its great that this week we get 2 Glees. Yeah so I love this song because it's brimming with emoton you cab feel the pain in his voice and It's just excellent, the pain then the anger and then the weird part where hes almost content but not. I also love how he growls It's so powerful, but I especially love the part thats not in this video when you reAlize that his dad was watching the entire time and and says"Fine don't sing the way you just sang".

The comments in the video I guess were funny, I just feel like its taking away firn the power of the song, if the video wasn't that strong than the video would be funny and by the way Kurt's last name is Hummel thats why he says Hummel not Humble.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Beginning

So I have been neglecting my blog and is not fair to anyone, but especially myself. I created this blog so I could write and be passionate about something because lets face it I'm a cup full of bitter negative energy.

On sunday I bought a sketchbook at Borders it was great and was cheap. Its beautiful though it's simple and black and I want to keep the outside that way. I know a lot of people buy hardcover sketchbooks and like to decorate it with all their stuff and make it colorful and make it them, I'm not saying thats a bad thing but its not me. I want to craft up the inside of the covers but I want it to stay black and simple on the outside.

Today I got home and didn't have  my key, unfortunately it was freezing and I needed to pee, fortunately my awesome neighbor who's name will not be disclosed let me crash at her place until my sister got home from school. But of course my mom shows up as soon as I get to my neighbor's house and she's upset because I called her and she was on her way to work and had to turn around to open the door for little old moi. Thanks Mommy.

I made the ensemble for my schools spring musicale (pronounced like the way the drama in high school musical said it, I love the way she says it) anywho actually everyone who audition is in the musical, It's Guys and Dolls. At the first ensemble rehearsal of course all the girls want to play the part of the prostitute or how its stated in the script, "well dressed street walker", so there is a mini audition and guess who is one of the 2 High Class Hookers, yours truly! I'm also a Cuban dancer which should be fun except for the whole me not knowing how to learn choreography and lack of dance skillz, go figure.

Today at lunch I also started reminiscing about my Canada trip, it was sparked by a talk about my dear friend Alice who I haven't spoken to for so long and you know the little fact that she is currently a foreign exchange student in Germany. I also wanted to give a shout out to Nyah, Tamar,and Becca. Canada just wouldn't have been what it was without you guys. There will be many Canada stories to come, but right now I want to address that I get the best roles ever first a witch, then a prostitute...?

Well all I can say is C'est la vie. (Did i spell that right?)
- Osee <3